- Friday, February 15 1907 -
Player |
Samuel Waggoner |
Gilbert Campbell |
Irwin Green |
Walter O. Evans |
Anderson |
Kentucky - 16 (Head Coach: Unnamed) - [Final Rank ]
Player |
Stanley Baer |
Shelby Shanklin |
Thomson Bryant |
Maury Wilson |
Richard Barbee |
Prior Game | | | Next Game |
Central University 23 - 25 OT | | | Georgetown College 8 - 19 |
The first basket ball game of the series between State College and K.U. was played Friday in the State College gymnasium before the largest crowd that has witnessed a basket ball game this season. The result was a victory for the Blue and White by a score of 16 to 14.
Until the middle of the second half it seemed that the Crimson lads would certainly win, but the cadets made a strong rally and snatched the victory from them in a whirlwind finish. Fox, the star right forward of the State team, was out of the game on account of illness, but Shanklin filled his place with much credit.
The principal weakness of the Crimson team seemed to be their lack of team work, which in spite of brilliant individual playing, lost the game for them. The K.S.C. team failed to show its usual good team work, which has heretofore been one of its strongest points.
A tendency to roughness seemed to characterize the game and frequent fouls were called on both teams. There was no wrangling or contention, however, and the play was interrupted only a few times by calls for "time out."
This game is the first athletic event that has been pulled off between these two institutions for nearly three years on account of athletics having been abolished at K.U. Everyone seems pleased that athletic relations have been re-established between the rivals, as the games between them have always been watched with the keenest interest.
The series is to consist of three games. The next of the series is to be played in the K.U. gymnasium and the third on the floor where the gate receipts of the preceding game were the largest.
Game Writeup - Lexington Herald
Blue and White Wins Basket Ball Game by Score of 16 to 14
With grim defeat staring them in the face and three minutes more to play the State College basket ball team rallied to applauding shouts and defeated their old time rival Kentucky University yesterday afternoon in the College gymnasium by a score of 16 to 14. Although the rival teams had no met on the field of contest for three years owing to a dispute arising between the athletic committees of the two institutions, yet there was gathered in the gymnasium a large crowd of rooters of both teams to cheer the rival teams.
The game was devoid of disputes and although at times rough playing was engaged in by both teams. It was only in the last half that the usual snap and fire, which is the delight of the visitors, was indulged in.
The Crimson lads led off with the firs score and kept in the lead during the greater portion of the game. At the end of the first half the score stood 6 to 3 in favor of the Crimson. The latter part of the second half was exciting and shouts of applause rent the air when the Blue and White team scratched victory from defeat.
The team work of both aggregations was poor. Many fouls were committed by both. Many fouls were committed by both, which greatly marred the beauty of the game. Shanklin, who replaced Fox on the Cadet team showed up in good form. Barbee and Baer did good work. For the K.U. team Evans and Campbell did the star playing in carrying the ball.
Game Preview - Lexington Herald (February 15, 1907)
Basket Ball Teams to Vie With Each One Another for the Championship
This afternoon at 4:30 o'clock the basket ball teams from State College and Kentucky University will lock horns for intercollegiate championship.
The game will be played in the State College gymnasium and the contest promises to be interesting as the foes have not met on the field of contest for three years.
The Cadets met their first defeat in intercollegiate honors last Tuesday evening when Central University went after their scalp for a defeat by a score of 25 to 23.
While the K.U. team has not been playing intercollegiate games this year in the K.I.A.A., it is believed that a good team has been whipped into line. On the other hand the Cadet team will be weakened greatly by the loss of Fox, one of the star players. The chances are that the game will be close.