Matt Jones-John Feinstein Transcript (2015)

Below is a transcript of an interview between Matt Jones and John Feinstein on January 29, 2015. Jones (with Kentucky Sports Radio) invited Feinstein on his show to discuss various topics.

The initial discussion revolved around the rather mundane discussion of why Feinstein decided to vote the University of Virginia #1 in the Associated Pres poll (the only voter in the poll to do so) rather than the University of Kentucky. But later the discussion shifted to more substantial discussion of the possibility of Kentucky potentially playing the University of Texas El-Paso in Maryland to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1966 National Championship game. Later the discussion turned briefly (until Feinstein changed the subject) to Feinstein's negative opinion on former UK coach Adolph Rupp with respect to racial relations, even though Feinstein admits he has never looked into the issue seriously.

This discussion was based on a previous email that Feinstein had sent to Rick Bozich in which Feinstein wrote: "Far more relevant (than the AP vote) is Kentucky's refusal to play UTEP on the 50th anniversary of the most important college game ever played. Kentucky people always yammer about how Rupp was unfairly cast as a racist, villain. Fine, let's play the game and let the story be told from BOTH sides. THAT matters, not my stupid vote in the AP poll..."

This exchange is in many ways a continuation of an impromptu interview which was done months earlier (August 6, 2014) in Louisville. At the end of the interview, Jones references my webpage which addresses Feinstein's longtime hatred of Kentucky basketball, which can be found at the link below:

My responses to some of the comments made in this interview are available within the above page accessed directly via this link. You can listen to the Kentucky Sports Radio interview below:

Note the interview itself begins around the 21:40 mark and ends around 38:50. Below is a transcript of the exchange:

Transcribed by - June 14, 2015

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